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Does Anyone Truly Understand How Inefficient Wind Power Is?

Does anyone truly understand how inefficient wind power is? It feels like we’re seeing the same situation that happened with oil-based cars, where the oil industry held on to its dominance until people started pushing them out of the market. Is the wind power industry similarly holding its position while more efficient energy solutions are being overlooked?

I’ve been frustrated for years with the enormous interest in building wind turbines all over the place. Don’t get me wrong—I’m all for clean energy. But when you compare wind power’s efficiency and reliability to other sources like nuclear or wave energy, the waste of money is staggering.

Comparing the efficiency of wind power with nuclear and wave energy for a stable energy solution.
Comparing the efficiency of wind power with nuclear and wave energy for a stable energy solution.

When you truly analyze the reliability of wind power, its shortcomings become glaringly obvious. Its unpredictable and inconsistent nature makes it a poor investment for any serious power infrastructure. The fluctuations, both hourly and annually, are so severe that it’s nearly impossible to build a stable energy system around it. Is it really worth investing in a technology that can’t provide reliable energy on a consistent basis?

In contrast, wave energy is much more predictable. Waves are always present, even during periods of still water, and the fluctuations are far less severe than those of wind. When you look at the data, wave energy clearly offers a more stable and efficient solution. So why isn’t more attention being given to this alternative? Could it be that the momentum and public perception around wind power are making it difficult for better technologies to gain traction?

What do you think? Are we missing the bigger picture by focusing so much on wind energy, and could other renewable sources like wave or even nuclear be more effective in the long run?


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